Exquisite Delicacy

AED  235

  • Bouquet of 21 red and white Roses
  • Arranged with Fillers and Wrapped Beautifully

This bouquet of 21 white red roses is beautifully arranged as per order. It is sure to give some smiles back, when someone receives it in total surprise. There are a lot of choices of gifts in the market, for special occasions however this match of 2 colors in a hand bouquet is totally different. Let us focus on the glorious goodness of the present and live in it just like these red white roses. Send it to your favorite people and make them remember how special they are for you. Add a smile in their faces often and that’s all we need in this busy life of ours. Let the distance not be a problem any longer to express love and gratitude to the dear one. Real Flowers can help you by delivering a beautiful bouquet to their door.