Red White Roses Hand Bouquet
Perfect Purity by Real Flowers provides an excellent choice of hand bouquet. This comprises 12 red and white roses arranged using gypsophila fillers. Matching wrapping and ribbon bow give it the perfect finish to make it an ideal gift on any occasion. The flowers will also last for a couple of days if they watered properly. Some flowers were especially long-lasting than roses, like lilies. We can provide you with a variety of choices which the recipient likes. Buy online from Real Flowers and get a free greeting card with home delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
Our red and white Rose Bouquet will delight your special recipient with each fragrant bloom, beautiful roses selected fresh to give your special recipient a bouquet that adds brilliant color to all of life’s special occasions. This flower arrangement has been elegantly assorted for you, displaying an array of vibrant hues. It helps you enjoy your special moments with your beloved one. You can order online from your local florist which offers fresh and fabulous arrangement according to the events.