A gift of white roses and chocolates can illuminate the mood of the entire family when it arrives at the doorstep. So, here is an excellent gift for any sacred occasion like a Ramadan or Islamic New Year. The same day delivery offered by us is really helpful for anyone residing far away. This gift is truly a wonderful creation of nature with a glorious appearance. Patchi chocolates along with the roses can help to feel the sweetness in relationship. So consider this roses bouquet and chocolates for such a sincere purpose of gifting someone. It will truly reward your action with our on-time delivery. We can maintain punctuality in delivery even on the same date in Dubai, Sharjah or Ajman.
Sacred Gift
AED 315
Product Specifications
Style: An assortment of 12 white roses along with green touch in a bouquet with Patchi chocolates of 250 gm.
Best Purpose: Suitable gift to your family or relative for any sacred occasion like Ramadan or Islamic New Year.