Gift someone, 10 sunflowers bouquet to express best wishes for him. On any important day, bright sun flowers will create a positive feeling and provide encouragement. This will make the sorrows melt away and gives a positive dose to make up for the challenges ahead. So, make your decision to place an order on this gift online and we help you deliver this product anywhere in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
Day Light
AED 250
Product Specifications
Style: Bouquet Arrangement: An assortment of 10 sunflowers in a bouquet.
Quality: Bright sunflowers are freshly arranged in the bouquet after receiving the order and just before the delivery. Shipping is in a temperature controlled van directly from the shop to the recipient’s address.
Important NOTES:
- Please contact before making an order to confirm availability.
- Order at least 2 days in advance.