Valentine 12 Roses Bouquet

AED :  184

This 12 red roses hand bouquet may help to declare your love to someone. Roses are wrapped in red with white gypsophila fillers and green leaves. A suitable red ribbon bow is added to the bouquet for appealing look and feel. Price is inclusive of delivery anywhere in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman. Real Flowers offers a free greeting card for conveying your message along with a gift.


Product Description

Red is always meaningful

Express a deep emotional appreciation in the form of 12 red roses in Dubai. Do the things that make you happy when you are in love. Let others realize the value of remembering each other. The first thing to remember, red is always meaningful if it is a flower or anything. With this in mind, you can order the fresh red flowers online from real flowers on all weekdays. 12 red roses are covered in red with white gypsophila fillers and green leaves. A fitting red ribbon bow is combined with the arrangement for giving a pleasing effect.