10 Oct 22 By Real Flowers

Symbolic Meaning of Flowers and Festivals

The color and aroma of the fragrant flowers are always a matter of pleasure and joy. But with a festive mood around the corner, there is excessive use of different flowers when they have their symbolic meanings. The color, piousness, and species of different blooms are preferred for different festivals.

Let us pick different flowers for festivals and describe their significance for them:

 1. Jasmine used in Diwali

The sweet smell of the jasmine flower and its purity is the first preference for a sacred festival like Diwali. The white color of Jasmine is preferred to offer to goddess Lakshmi and its scent is divine. So, the worshiping of gods and goddesses on this Hindu festival is incomplete without a basket full of various blooms including Rose, Jasmine, and Hibiscus.

 2. Rose Poinsettia for Christmas

The red poinsettia flower and leaves are iconic flowers that are symbolized the “Star of Bethlehem”. Their red color is one of the ways to reach god Jesus as it represents the blood of Christ. The history of using red Rose poinsettia on Christmas dates back to when a little girl collected weeds to present to Christ and the nettles miraculously turned into a red vibrant bouquet. The Poinsettia flowers are named December birth flowers and are unique for the Christmas gift section. People choose these flowers to greet ones who have birthdays in the same month.

3. Carnations for New Year

There is a strange connection between the red carnations and cheerful New Year celebrations. The magnetism and the power present in the red color of carnations are sure to bring a thrill to the new year of your near and dear ones. It is a beautiful gift to woo your girlfriend at the beginning of a special year ahead.

 4. Lily and Hydrangeas for EID

Lily and hydrangeas flower arrangements are the most beautiful floral gifts for the EID festival. Their purity and pleasant aroma are perfect to bring a smile to anyone’s face. White lilies and pink hydrangeas wrapped in silk paper are exchanged between family members and friends to make this festival a memorable one. Thus, eternal lilies and blushing hydrangeas ordered from an online flower delivery are best for this occasion.

 5. Orchids for Buddhist Festivals

The joy of visiting temples or “Viharas” at Buddhist festivals is unmatchable. The blue or pink orchids are the perfect flowers to offer to Lord Buddha to celebrate his sacred life and teachings. Since the Buddhist community does not believe in god figures, they indulge in offering flowers at the Viharas. There are many holy occasions for millions of Buddhists to worship their spiritual development and enlightenment. Hence, it’s fun to order pink orchids from a same-day flower delivery service on Buddhist traditional festivals.


Rich flower gifts are a part of any special festivals and celebrations. Also adorning your houses and temples with pious flowers is a way to demonstrate your appreciation toward god. So, don’t hesitate and show your gratitude with important flowers for festivals. The purity and goodness of the occasion will increase manifold with pretty flowers in the vicinity.