Pink Roses Lilies Chrysanthemum Bouquet
Opulent Beauty hand bouquet comprises flowers such as pink oriental lilies, chrysanthemums and rich pink roses. It is designed with lush greens and is an absolutely charming way to send your warmest sentiments. A florist from real flowers always recommends fresh flowers to make a feel of nature in hand with its fragrances. We will ensure the delivery of gifts as same as in the Picture on the website. Also, if you have a special message to convey, Real Flowers can deliver in printed on a free greeting card offered.
The pink color of this exquisite bouquet oozes cheer and affection. It lets you express the warm and lovely wishes to anyone you care about and get them excited for the whole day. Real flowers have an amazing array of marvelous arrangements of thoughtful and elegant flowers. It can be accompanied with the chocolates, cake and sweets that you choose. Each of our preparations is specially designed to cherish the moment with your favorite people. Thus, make an order online directly to our shop and get same day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah or Ajman.