Pink carnations represent a mother’s never-ending love. This bouquet of pink carnations white roses can serve as the best form of expressing gratitude on Mother’s or Women’s Day. These natural flowers are sure to make the grace float around the loving lady. It gives a premium feel and makes the personal interactions live on in the heart and soul with such pretty blooms. So, pick up such a right combination to make her know that she is always an important person. With no middle man around, our site gives you complete freedom to choose flowers. We also do serve your order in a just manner for delivery anywhere in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
Natural Grace
AED 227
Product Specifications
Style: An assortment of 15 pink carnations and 5 white roses in a bouquet.
Bouquet Size: 50 to 60 CM height.
Quality: Enchanted pink carnations and white roses are arranged in a bouquet of modern wrapping.