Initiate the little act of love by sending to your loved ones a gift of roses. This special arrangement of 21 pink white roses box along with greens will never allow the mundane life to take hold of your love life and make the emotion monotonous. These roses are best to add elegance and grace for any occasion like anniversaries or weddings. Make this gift box with its glossy green foliage become absolutely gorgeous and sentimentally valuable for your pretty lady. We help you in choosing the best and freshly cut flowers and ensure its freshness upon delivery to the address in Dubai, Sharjah or Ajman.
Lovely Gesture
AED 299
Product Specifications
Style: An assortment of 21 pink and white roses with greens in a white round box. Suitable ribbon bow is also included.
Quality: Pink and white roses along with a nice green touch are freshly arranged in the box after receiving the order and just before the delivery. Shipping is in a temperature controlled van directly from the shop to the recipient’s address.