Lovely Elegance by Real Flowers provides an excellent choice of hand bouquet. This comprises 100 pink roses arranged using gypsophila fillers. Matching wrapping with ribbon bow gives it the perfect finish to make it an ideal gift on any occasion. Are you not able to be present for a birthday celebration due to some other program? Perhaps, this 100 pink roses bouquet may compensate for that. For your own convenience, just call the flower shop that can ensure delivery within a specified time range. In fact, this is the best and natural way of responding to a call for social get together. Buy online from Real Flowers and get a free greeting card with free home delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman within 3-4 hours.
Lovely Elegance
AED 760
- Hand Bouquet of 100 Pink Roses
- Decorated with gypsophila fillers and pink ribbon
- Free Spot delivery is available in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.