Thank your lady love with this bouquet of 125 pink roses bouquet for everything she does. She has cared for your life, achievement and given lots of love and support. Her soft tender words will always remain in your heart and it is much important that you wish her when her birthday comes. It can be her birthday or any occasion, this bouquet will be perfect for her. Adding one pink or white rose to the hundred roses shows the extra care and affection that you have towards her. It also shows how unique and important she is. We offer stimulating pink roses for your lady love and deliver it anywhere in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman. Take advantage of our service!!
Lady Love
AED 988
Product Specifications
Style: Bouquet Arrangement: Huge assortment of 125 pink roses in a hand bouquet with suitable wrapping and ribbon bow.
Quality: Lady Special pink roses are freshly arranged in the hand bouquet after receiving the order and just before the delivery. Shipping is in a temperature-controlled van directly from the shop to the recipient address.