Joyful Experience

AED  220

Product Specifications

Style: Mixed orchid vase of 10 purple and 10 white orchids each.

Quality: Sight of purple white orchid flowers arranged will bring great pleasure and happiness to all with its gentleness. A purple ribbon bow will enhance the loveliness of the vase.

Note: Inquire before making an order for purple and white orchids in a vase through mail or call, as it may not be available every day.

How to Lighten the Mood of the Recipient?

Purple white orchid vase will make a day perfect for you and the recipient. Let them experience the energy and freshness that really purple white flowers can make. Share your hearty thoughts and words with elegant flowers on special days as the best gift ever. We arrange gleaming and attractive flowers which have the ability to reveal untold emotions on special days. We offer trusted delivery service with easy payment and placement of order for all weekdays.