A mixed color hand bouquet gift is always surprising the receiver and also melts their heart. As a result, the reaction will be very grateful and exciting if it is flowers. If you wish to make an excellent floral choice, we can give you a unique arrangement with real fresh glorious flowers with the surprising design. So we inviting you to connect online with realflower.ae. flowers will convey feelings without any negative thought. That may be, because of your quality of mind. Send your wishes to the dear with a floral treat of Glorious blooms hand bouquet. It will show how much you value love and togetherness. Real Flowers offer free door delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman with a printed message card.
Glorious blooms
AED 225
- White lilies and pink roses arranged with other suitable flowers
(Total 25 blooms with matching foliage and wrapping) - Free delivery (9.30AM to 5.30PM) and Free greetings card