White flowers are always unmatchable with perfect purity. A basket with a mix of 15 white roses lilies will bring complete delight in its pristine look. You can reiterate your vows or show your commitment to your girl as a symbol of a new start. It can form the foundation of such a wonderful relationship forever. Such fitting flowers for your darling can steal some extra minutes of quality time and bring a true reflection of love. So, take a step forward with an online flower service which will provide valuable means to convey your feelings. Our simple order process will ensure a best experience for sure. Get this white flowers basket arrangement delivery anywhere in Dubai, Sharjah or Ajman.
Complete Delight
AED 325
Product Specifications
Style: An assortment of 15 white roses and white lilies with suitable green fillers on a basket.
Quality: Matching flower combinations of white roses and lilies are arranged in a skillful and careful manner.