Make their spirits soar with a surprise bouquet of white roses, white Orchid and green Anthurium in a dazzling glass vase. The stunning white flowers are gathered with a variety of fresh greenery, making a beautiful gift for your love. It symbolizes the sweet fragrance of love and affection spread all around. So just make their day filled up with joy and happiness by ordering it from Real Flowers. Classic Beauty vases can be delivered anywhere in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman within hours 3-4 hours of online order. A free greeting card is also delivered along with the flower gift with or personal message printed on it.
Classic beauty
AED 264
Classic Beauty – Flower Arrangement in Short Vase consists of:-
- White Cymbidium orchid long stem – 1
- Green Anthurium x 3
- White Roses x 6
- Oriental Lilies x 2 Stems
- Free delivery from 9AM to 5.30 PM (Sat to Thursday)