If you want to convey your feelings to her in the most authentic and honest manner, then fulfil your need by placing an order for 15 pink roses basket arranged from our local shop. You can count this gift on an Anniversary occasion or you can make use of the opportunity on her special day like Birthday. These flowers are also special among cute little baby girls. This will win the heart of her and make her smile with joy. Your symbol of love and care will always be available in our website and we arrange for the same gift at the instant when you have ordered your gift. Let these roses talk for you.
Bring Grace
AED 220
Product Specifications
Style: Box Arrangement: A much loving assortment of 15 Pink Roses arranged in a Basket. Decorated with suitable fillers and ribbon bow.
Quality: Lady special pink roses are freshly arranged in the basket after receiving the order and just before the delivery. Shipping is in a temperature controlled van directly from the shop to the recipient’s address.