12 Red and Pink Roses Hand Bouquet
Never forget this elegant flower arrangement when you need a dazzling mix of red and pink blooms! These colors are both romantic and charming on their own. Thus, our hand tied arrangement of perfect roses is a nice gesture to remind your partner how much they mean to you. Get your favorite bouquet of mix roses with the assistance of experts at Real Flowers shop.
Blushing Love is a fantastic hand bouquet to present your dear ones, it artifice with a well-arranged combination of 6 Pink and 6 Red Roses. As we all know, rose bouquet is the best way to surprise the lady on any special day. Just appreciate her amazing beauty and contributions. We will provide you this elegant Hand Bouquet at your doorstep for AED (157) along with a free printed message card. Real Flowers ensures free delivery anywhere in Sharjah, Dubai, and Ajman.