151 Pink Roses Basket
Blended Beauty is a Basket arrangement of 151 pink roses customized by Real Flowers; it is mainly used to decorate wedding occasions. This arrangement produces a positive vibe all over the place and every bride and groom are expecting a wow factor on their wedding eve, strategic positioning will do exactly that. It will apt whether it is church or venue. We promise to deliver your orders within 3-4 hours on all weekdays.
Now send flowers to Dubai with your affection!
We appreciate the point that in today’s modern era, there is a shortage of chance and all of them are apart from loved ones. Two souls have become far away with time and situations. We aim to reduce that gap among you and your dear ones in UAE. Are you unable to keep in touch with your relatives on special occasions? Do not worry, as we provide this service of flower delivery with your message, by taking proper care of the requirements.