A pretty and exquisite bouquet of purple roses white lilies has got particular ambience in itself to create positive atmosphere. This product is one of the best gifts for anniversaries or other occasions of your loved ones busy lost in the transitioning of the world. This will make them remember that someone is there to take care and will reserve a place for you in their hearts. With the free online delivery available in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman, let us serve you the best way.
Ambience Nature
AED 200
Product Specifications
Style: An assortment of 10 purple roses and 3 stems of white oriental lilies in a bouquet of suitable wrapping and decoration.
Bouquet Height: 60 CM to 70 CM
Quality: Purple roses and stems of white oriental lilies are freshly arranged in the bouquet after receiving the order and just before the delivery. Free greetings card included.