20 Tube Roses Bouquet

AED  255

A hand-made bouquet of 20 Tube Roses can express your warmth and love to the recipient in a silent manner. Having the natural fragrance, this bouquet of 20 TubeRose is neatly wrapped in off-white tissue sheet and a ribbon bow added by Real Flowers. You can also customize and make this package special with gifts like a soft teddy bear or a birthday cake. It can be delivered to addressee anywhere in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman at a given time range with a free greeting card.

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Tube roses as a great way to express your feelings

First of all, give your budding romance a push or just remind your loved ones of their place in your heart. With less effort by sending the beautiful 20 tuberose bouquet. A bunch of 20 tube roses are nicely warped in a cellophane sheet. Covered with white tissue and an attractive white ribbon. Rather unique, this white color flowers bouquet can be a great way to express your feelings this time. This stunning long and fragrant bouquet can be a great gift for every occasion ranging from personal to corporate.